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alex staniforth is a professional coach with a natural ability to blend complex understanding with personal insight, empathy and critical thinking

in his work, alex builds a strong foundation for development by establishing clear goals and a relationship that is both supportive and challenging. he firmly believes in combining reality and aspiration, and will work with you in a variety of ways to widen your perspective and achieve your ambitions. alex has a keen interest in mindfulness and how individuals and coaches can apply insights from this field


in his career, alex spent time working for a big 4 consulting firm in london and a us-based risk modelling company. more recently he has experience working in a professional coaching capacity with leaders of high-performing teams within scientific research and financial services


alex is accredited in harthill leadership development profile and trained in gestalt coaching with the aoec. he holds a bsc in finance from durham university. he is a mental health first aider and a mindfulness practionner accredited by the british psychological society. when not working with clients he can be found enjoying long walks in nature and playing squash

developmental conversation

clear thinking and somatic enquiry. we are not as rational as we may like to believe. in each of us lies a blend of unchallenged paradoxes, hidden desires and hypocrisies. left unaddressed, these parts of self work to undermine our potency in the world preventing us from meaningful contact. our work, if we chose to engage with it, is to better relate with our whole self through courageous and vulnerable enquiry. click here


a process for clarity, stillness and intention. it is both simple and hard. the type of guided meditation on offer is based on zen philosophy and presence. these sessions are available for all free of charge - no prior experience required. attend as many or as few as you like. click here

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